Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Spousal violence against men

A survey of women in Ahmedabad, mentioned 58 percent of women in Ahmedabad suffered significant mental distress, with marital disharmony being the leading cause. The causes found in the survey are covered in

Interesting, if you look at the survey, a number of items in the list apply to women's abuse of men too. If men doing it to women is considered violence, then certainly women doing it to men should also be considered violence. (Magenta colored text is from the original post - some of the items that were listed under violence by men against women)

Sexual violence

56% were deprived of sex
[if deprivation of sex is considered violence by women, then I would like to see who is the perpetrator of more violence - women, or men]

Emotional violence

70% report verbal abuse, threats
[women may not resort to verbal abuse, but it would be interesting to contrast threats from the two genders against each other, in marriage]
62% report lack of support and appreciation [both genders probably complain about the same thing - is this really violence?]

Intellectual violence

69% excluded from decision-making
[what do you do, when someone absolutely refuses from participating in decision-making. That may not be violence, but it certainly is not in the spirit of a marriage.]

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