Sunday, February 21, 2010

Born in South Asia?

At the recently concluded TED 2010, I met Chris Anderson, the Curator of TED conferences.

The first line about his biography in Wikipedia says: "Anderson, who is British, was born in Pakistan in 1957."

Recently I also met one of the founders of Danger, a telephone company that has now been acquired by Microsoft. A Caucasian, he said he was born in India.

These two were in South Asia, because their parents were missionaries there. Both are immensely successful. So are quite a few other successful Caucasians were born there. So, the question in my mind is:
  1. Does their birth in South Asia anything have to do with their success?
  2. Or, does their birth in South Asia have anything to do with their ability to promote themselves?

Or, am I misreading the situation, and Caucasians born in South Asia are no more or less likely to succeed, compare to Caucasians born in the US.

It will be interesting to have someone do a study of this.

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