Thursday, October 25, 2007

Marriage makes wrecks of 58 percent of women in Ahmedabad

A previous post talked about a survey of women in India, where over half said that it was OK for husbands to beat wives.

Here is another survey released at about the same time. I don't remember the date, but the colored portions are direct quotes from Time of India, Ahemdabad edition - around October 20, 2007.

Marital blows

One in every two married women in Ahmedabad is subjected to torture everyday by her husband, the man with whom she took the seven vows till death parted them. But men seem to have broken these vows. A survey of 1,500 women in Ahmedabad revealed the following.

Acts of physical violence

33% admitted to being victims of domestic violence.
[I assume that the statistics in this section are from this 33%, but the TOI article does not make it clear.]

Slapping 68%
Kicking 62%
Punching - 53%
Hitting with hard objects - 49 %
Biting - 37%
Choking - 29%
Bramdomg wotj cogarettes butts - 22%

Sexual violence

50% were subject to forcible sex (rape)
56% were deprived of sex

Social violence

76% abused before family
69% before neighbors
60% before friends
67% in public places

Emotional violence

70% report verbal abuse, threats
62% report lack of support and appreciation

Intellectual violence

69% excluded from decision-making

Horrifying statistics. Amazing that a society known for its external tolerance can be so violent at home. Is there anything being done in the society to address this?

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