Friday, February 3, 2012

Misplaced Fondness for the Ancient

We have always wondered about ourselves. In their attempt to understand the world, our ancestors used to ask the sages, priests and shamans.

In the millenia since life evolved on earth, human beings have discovered a lot. There are still many unanswered questions, but they are much fewer than they used to be. Most of us have accepted the explanations that human endeavors have provided. Yet, there is a group of people that clings to the past, in spite of all the discoveries made.
  1. Chanting: Before writing was invented, knowledge was transferred orally. In order to ensure that exact versions were transmitted between people, there used to be chantings. Those pre-writing days are long gone. Yet, people continue chanting. They have forgotten the original purpose - chanting has become a goal in itself.
  2. Rich meals after child-birth: When nutritious food was scarce, the best had to be preserved for the mother and the new baby. The net result was that new mothers were fed high-energy foods. Scarcity of food is long gone. Yet, some people insist on feeding the new mothers very rich foods - in the name of tradition. Result - unnecessary health implications.
  3. Mercury Chelation vs. antibiotics: Before antibiotics were invented, mercury was used as a poor antibiotic. I have recently run into a movement that says that antibiotics should be eschewed in favor of chelation? Why - because that is what the ancients did.
Why do people do this? Because many of them don't pause to think. And, many are led in this parth. By those sages, priests and shamans who have seen their power shrink due to new discoveries.

Unfortunately, there are still gullible people who fall for this - damaging their own lives and those of their loved ones. The sages, priests and shamans meanwhile laugh all the way to ... wherever they go for their pleasure.