Sunday, October 9, 2011

Choosing Happiness

"How we perceive and respond to circumstances matters more than the circumstances themselves."

This is one of the guiding philosophies of the positive psychology movement - a movement which says that traditional psychology has focused on mental problems. This movement attempts to raise the happiness level for everyone, not just those with problems.

Since we can choose how to respond to any circumstance, we can control our happiness. And, since we can learn to respond better, we can learn to be happier.

This circumstance vs, choice of reaction to these circumstances is a recurring theme at many places. Stephen Covey also uses this to base his theories on.

The same theory is also a big part of Jain Philosophy - could be others too. Jainism says two things on this:
  1. Circumstances are determined by your past Karma,
  2. Your reaction to these circumstances accumulates additional karma.
This brings up interesting situations on how you react - you have many options including the following four. You can choose a reaction that leads you to be:
  1. Happy at present and in the future.
  2. Happy at present, but unhappy in the future.
  3. Unhappy at present, but happy in the future.
  4. Unhappy at present and in the future.
Presumably, if option 1 is available, everyone will choose that. However, if option 1 is not available, which one do you choose - 2 or 3. Interesting dilemma.